Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

The Nature of Language

Basically, the language has certain functions that are commonly used individual or group .. As a communication tool, as delivery idea, and as a means of adapting to the environment and situation.
impact of globalization is evident in the development and growth of language as a means of supporting the growth and technology. In the era of globalization, the language would not want to take part in the free competition, both in the fields of education, politics, economics, and communication. concepts and new terminology in the growth and development of science and technology (Science) indirectly enrich the language itself.
Therefore, we need to know the properties of these languages, so that not only can use it, but also know the nature of language itself. So we can tell which language is good and not good.
According Harimurti Kridalaksana, "Language is a system of arbitrary sound symbol used by the members of the social group to collaborate, communicate, and identify themselves," from the definition that we get some of the essential characteristics or properties of the language. Trait or traits, among others, are:
1. Language is a system
2. Language tangible symbol
3. Language in the form of sound
4. Language is the arbiter
5. Language is meaningful
6. Language is conventional
7. Language is unique
8. Language is universal
9. The language varies
10. Language is productive
11. Language is dynamic
12. Language serves as a tool of social interaction
13. Language is the identity of the speakers

1. Language as a system
As a system, the language is at once systematic and systemic. With systemic, that is, the language is composed by a pattern: not arranged randomly, arbitrarily. While systemic, that is, the language is not a single system, but also consists of
2. Language as a symbol
Language as a symbol, in which there is a sign, signal, symptom, gestures, code, index, and icons. The symbol itself is often equated with the symbol. Thus, the language has a symbolic meaning as a symbol to convey the message to other people. It serves to highlight the language that would be submitted.

3. Language is sound
Often we can not distinguish between noise and sound. Technically, according to Kridalaksana (1983:27) suggests the sound is the nerve center as a result of vibration of the eardrum reacts due to changes in air pressure.
Uajaran language sounds or sounds (speech sound) is a unit of sound generated by the appliance man said that in the phonetic observed as "fon" and in phonemic as "phonemes".
4. Language is meaningful
Language as something meaningful symbol closely associated with the sound system. Therefore language is denoted by an understanding, a concept, an idea, or a thought, that would be submitted through a form of sound, it can be said that language has meaning. Coat meaningful sounds of language, in the form of language units tangible language morphemes, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourse.
5. The language is arbitrary
the language is arbitrary means changeable, not fixed. What is meant by the term arbiter is no necessary connection between the symbol of the language (in the form of sound) with a concept or notion is meant by these symbols. It serves to facilitate people in linguistic action.

6. Conventional language
This means that all members of the Conference on languages that comply with that particular symbol is used to represent the concept it represents. So if kearbiteran lambng language on the relationship between sound-symbol with the concept that it represents, then kekonfensionalan language lies in the adherence of the speakers to use the symbol in accordance with the concept that it represents.
7. Language is productive
Productivity language very quickly, every day will definitely bring out a new language, that is, although the elements of the language was limited, but the number of finite elements contained units that are not limited to language.

8. Language is unique
Unique means that have specific characteristics that are not owned by the other. Then, if the language is said to be unique. it means that, every language has its own characteristics not shared by other languages. Characteristic of this can be related to the sound system, the system pembetukkan word, sentence formation systems, or other systems. Bersfiat unique language serves to distinguish between the language of the other language.
9. Universal language
Sounds of language consists of Vocals and consonan, many languages and vocal number of different consonants. As an example of Indonesian sound has five vocals are a, i, u, e, o, whereas Arabic has three vocal sound is a I u. The proof of the universality of the language is that every language has units of meaningful language, either unit maknany words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourse. However, how the units were formed may not be the same.
10. Language is dynamic
As time, human development, language will also grow, because language can not be separated from a civilized human beings and society, no human activity that is not accompanied by the language. In fact, the dream of any human language.
11. The language varies
In a society typically consisting of a variety of cultures are not equal. It is a huge trigger for the development of language. Children's language will be different from the language mountain children living around the coast, this indicates that the language varies. Regarding language variations are five terms you need to know, that idiolek, dialect, and kronolek, sosiolek and fungsiolek.

12. Language is human
Humans are often touted as being a thinking, social creatures, creature creator tools as well as rational creatures beerakal favor. So obviously, with all its advantages, people can do whatever he wants, and through language, people can convey what he wants to say. It can therefore be concluded that human communication tool whose name the language, is to be human, in the sense of humans and can only be used by humans.
13. Language as a tool of social interakasi
It is clear that human beings can not be separated by language, as human beings need social interaction with their environment, and the interaction was not likely to happen without language.
14. Language as an identity
Language can also be a user identity language. This is due to the language is also a reflection of one's attitude in interactions. As a self-identity, the language will be the language user character pointer.

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